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Dates: 2016-present
Language: C
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/Necronomicon

Overview: A pure functional language for audio DSP and procedural music

Artificial Life

Dates: 2013
Language: C++
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/ArtificialLife

Overview: C++ Library for various generative functions including Wolfram Automata (standard binary and multi-colored), Conway's Game of Life, 2D and 3D flocking, 2D and 3D Clifford Pickover Strange Attractors, and L–System fractals. The library also defines a set of geometric and mathematical classes and types to facilitate this functionality.


Dates: 2012–2013
Languages: C++ and SuperCollider
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/Shoggoth

Overview: An Interactive 3D environment for electronic music collaboration. Written in C++ using Cinder and OpenGL for graphics, SuperCollider and libSC++ for audio, and OSCthulhu for networking.


Dates: 2013–2014
Languages: Lich.js is a new live coding language itself, but compiles to JavaScript
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/Lich.js
Live Demo: www.chadmckinneyaudio.com/lichdemo (Use Chrome for best performance)

Overview: Functional live coding language that is made for collaborative music and visual performances. Has a Haskell–like syntax and compiles to JavaScript using Web Audio and WebGL to be used in a browser.

The Curse of Yig

Dates: 2011–2012
Languages: C++ and SuperCollider
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/Yig

Overview: Mutli-user instrument for creating and manipulating audio feedback networks. Mainly written in C++ using Qt for the user interface, Cinder and OpenGL for graphics, SuperCollider and libSC++ for audio, and OSCthulhu for networking.


Dates: 2012–2013
Languages: C++ and SuperCollider
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/Yig

Overview: Mutli-user instrument for beat based music performance. Written in C++, Cinder and OpenGL for graphics, SuperCollider and libSC++ for audio, and OSCthulhu for networking.


Dates: 2010–2011
Languages: Java and SuperCollider
Repo: github.com/CurtisMcKinney/Leech

Overview: Bit Torrent based sound art installation. The main system is written in Java using Processing for graphics and communications with SuperCollider via Open Sound Control messages for audio.


Dates: 2012–2013
Languages: C++ and Lua
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/Entropy

Overview: First person exploration and puzzle game using procedurally generated environments. Written in C++ using the Ogre3D SDK, Bullet for physics, and using Lua for scripting.


Dates: 2013
Language: Haskell
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/Haskollider

Overview: Haskell library for communicating with a SuperCollider scsynth server using Open Sound Control (OSC) messages.


Dates: 2010–2013
Language: C++
Repo: github.com/CurtisMcKinney/OSCthulhu

Overview: Server and client framework for synchronized networking using Open Sound Control (OSC) messaging.


Dates: 2011
Languages: C++ and SuperCollider
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/YigGens

Overview: SuperCollider audio unit generators (UGens).


Dates: 2012–13
Language: C++
Repo: github.com/ChadMcKinney/libscpp

Overview: Small C++ library for linking to and using the SuperCollider scsynth server internally as a separate thread in a C++ application.